TERMS AND CONDITIONS | Hipódromo Argentino de Palermo

Terms and Conditions


These are the General Conditions governing the relationship between Internet users who access the content and services that Argentine Hippodrome of Palermo SA (hereinafter HAPSA) offers through the site www.palermo.com.ar. The user to type in "accept the conditions" in the process of access to the site's content acknowledges having read these Terms and expresses its full unreserved each and every one of them. Also, because certain services and content offered by HAPSA may contain specific rules that supplement these Terms, users must also take specific knowledge of such standards.


The purpose of these conditions is the regulation of the relationship between Internet users accessing the site HAPSA and access their contents and / or contract services and / or purchase products through.


First, HIPÓDROMO ARGENTINE PALERMO SA with CUIT No. 30-65530018-6 and address for these purposes in Avda. Del Libertador 4101, Capital Federal, Argentina and, on the other, any natural person, adult, or legal, recipient of the contents, www.palermo.com.ar products and services in return or not the trade-offs in each case can be established, as provided herein and in the specific rules that regulate and supplement these Terms.

4. CONTENTS OF www.palermo.com.ar

The content, services and products that relate these Terms are all included in the site to which the user accessed directly from that address. The content that the user can get access by a link from the site www.palermo.com.ar be governed by its own conditions of registration and recruitment, having HAPSA in no case any responsibility. Access to each content, service or product acquisition may require a payment by the user in the terms established in the very conditions of registration and recruitment site or each linked site.


You always know the price and type of contract of each product or service at the time appropriate to their acquisition, coming they clearly identified on the site www.palermo.com.ar. HAPSA can choose at any time to modify the rates or terms of marketing force. In any case, whenever user will govern the price and conditions that come ertain at the time consents to hire a product. You want to hire the access to content and / or services HAPSA payments through the site shall pay the fee through the means to that end is instructed at all times.
HAPSA not assume any liability for the payment method chosen freely by users, so each effect you to HAPSA waives any claim that had some kind of relationship with the means of payment. Users also recognize that HAPSA reserves the right not to provide services not actually cashed due to non-payment of any of the companies providing the means of payment. This, regardless of whether the users could actually made the payment through the medium of payment in question.


The user may unilaterally cancel the registration would have done on the site at any time during its term, for which it must make its request for a clear and unambiguous Center Customer HAPSA way through the channels for this purpose available to them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and notwithstanding the implications for the access to the site and to the processing of personal data, such cancellation by the user at any time will not refund the amounts that would have eventually paid as consideration for access to the content and services of the site in all its forms of contract. These amounts are nonrefundable character.


Only a personal, nontransferable use access keys without written permission.
All site contents belong to HAPSA or, where applicable, to third parties and are protected by intellectual property laws. No site content, whatever its nature, may be published, broadcast, retransmitted directly or indirectly in any medium or support for other than strictly personal use, without the express permission of HAPSA. Therefore, its commercial use, distribution, and modification or alteration is strictly prohibited. The services and content www.palermo.com.ar site are for exclusive use of the registered user and can not be disclosed or transferred to third parties. By accessing www.palermo.com.ar you agree not to sell, publish, distribute, retransmit or provide any access to the contents of www.palermo.com.ar to third parties. You agree not to use the site for any illegal purpose. HAPSA reserves the right to restrict or terminate access to the site if, in its opinion, the user used to violate any law, violate the rights of others or violate these conditions. If presumed that the user can abuse the site, HAPSA reserves the right to terminate access to the site for that user, unsubscribe, and / or take legal action it deems appropriate. HAPSA not responsible for user names that affect outsiders. Www.palermo.com.ar site may provide links to websites or services of other companies, and facilitate user downloading third-party software. You understand and agree that HAPSA not control and is not responsible for these services and products.


The user is responsible for all data and events to include in the forms sent to HAPSA well as the contents of any communication issued to it. The user is responsible for the veracity of the data provided, HAPSA the right to deny service to any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions stipulated by law. By sending the corresponding registration form, you accept the above conditions and is committed to respecting the use and prohibitions laid down therein. Also, when sending the form above, you agree to payment for the product and / or content and / or services purchased. You agree that if your payment details do not allow billing and / or collection by HAPSA, product and / or content and / or service requested not be granted or will be canceled if you have active. They may only register individuals older, in his own name and right, or legal person who represents enough power.


HAPSA agrees to make available to the customer on the site www.palermo.com.ar necessary information relating to the products and / or content and / or services offered and recruitment conditions thereof. You agree that access to the site and its content is www.palermo.com.ar existing at all times. HAPSA not accept any claim for the contents, updates or connections to the site www.palermo.com.ar. HAPSA make every effort to ensure good faith, with all the means at their disposal, access to the service contracted by the user. However HAPSA not responsible for technical failures of network connection that may cause equipment damage, prevent connection or fully or partially limit user access to www.palermo.com.ar. HAPSA not responsible for failures occurring for their service and supply companies that may prevent access to www.palermo.com.ar and in any case ensure the price paid for any claim.
HAPSA only be liable for those damages that may hereafter accrue to society HAPSA criminal intent or gross negligence. In such cases HAPSA liability, compensation shall not include loss of profits.


HAPSA reserves the right to withdraw immediately access to the service and content payments contracted users who in the opinion of HAPSA they infringe these conditions, no refund in case the payment is made. Specifically, HAPSA may cancel the contract:
a.- when access is used for illegitimate purposes, including for those listed in these conditions.
b.- when personal data and / or collection provided by the user in hiring is false or misleading or impossible billing and / or payment of the service.
c.- by prolonged and continuous or inadequate disablement of any content or services that they had been hired, indicating in this case the user clearly the terms on which such cancellation applies.
d.- for fraudulent uses of the product and / or service and / or content or contrary to good faith. The user has the right to revoke the procurement of services or products www.palermo.com.ar during the period of FIVE (5) consecutive days from the date on which the product and / or service accessed and / or content, without liability. This power can not be waived or relinquished. The user must reliably communicate such revocation to HAPSA.


HAPSA undertakes to adopt a policy of confidentiality in order to protect the privacy of personal information provided freely by users through your site. Confidentiality Rules detailed below may be future changes, which it is advisable to check them periodically. It will be under the rules of confidentiality / privacy all personal information you enter voluntarily place for general registration and at other times as subscription related as HapsaTel or HapsaTV, recording that includes services, but not limited to, name, name, date of birth, address, phone number, email, gender, age. Notwithstanding the foregoing and in the understanding that HAPSA has a legal duty to verify that the user actually is of age and that it is not in official databases related to money laundering or terrorist financing, the user expressly authorizes HAPSA to verify the reported personal data. The user may modify or update this information at any time. Personal data contained in the confidential information will be used to provide the user with a personalized service according to your needs, allowing you access to exclusive services, for example, live broadcasts of horse races organized by HAPSA at the Hippodrome Argentino and where appropriate, provide targeted advertising or content that may come to be of interest, if the user gave its consent to receive them. HAPSA not share confidential information with any third party unless you have express permission of those were recorded, or when it has been required by court order or legal or protect property rights or other rights of HAPSA. HAPSA not sell or rent user information. If the user's personal data should be shared with business partners or sponsors, the user will be notified before they are collected or transferred. If you do not want your data to be shared, you can choose not to use a particular service or not to participate in certain promotions. The personal data provided by the user will be part of a file containing their profile. Accessing it, the user can modify / update at any time.
HAPSA advises users to update their data whenever they undergo some modification, since this will provide a more personalized service.
Because no data transmission over the Internet can ensure full security, HAPSA can not guarantee that the information ransmitida using their service is completely secure, so that the user assumes the risk to acknowledge and accept. The user is solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password and account information. This Statement of Confidentiality / Privacy is subject to the terms and conditions HAPSA, which constitutes a legal agreement between you and HAPSA. If the user uses the site's services www.palermo.com.ar, you have read, understood and agreed to the terms outlined above. If you do not agree with them, you should not provide any personal information or use the service because he is not authorized to do so.
In accordance with the provisions prescribed in effect, is duly recorded that the holder of personal data that may be required on this page has the power to exercise the right of access to them for free at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest that purpose as provided in Article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25,326, as well as stating that the NATIONAL ADDRESS pROTECTION oF PERSONAL DATA, body Control Law No. 25,326 has the authority to address complaints and grievances that are filed with respect to the breach of the rules on personal data protection.


The document of the relationship between the user and HAPSA comprises these conditions, the form sent by the user with their personal data and, eventually, your payment, and data located on site completing www.palermo.com.ar herein prevail over any other verbal or written prior or simultaneous.


Under the provisions of the Bidding Bid Racetrack Argentino, user and HAPSA agree to make clear that the rights and obligations of the parties, and their subsequent realization in no case shall engage, directly or indirectly the National State and / or National Society of the State Lottery, forcing accordingly to keep exempt from liability for their actions and / or omissions are of such acts and / or omissions in the nature of contractual or non-contractual. This is interpreted and governed under the laws of Argentina. HAPSA and the user agree to attempt to resolve amicably any dispute that may arise in the development of this prior to going to the contemplated jurisdiction.
Abierto de Lunes a Domingo las 24hs. Av. del Libertador 4101 // Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires // Pcia. de Buenos Aires // Argentina Escribinos por WhatsApp al 11-6679-8216
Copyright © 2011 Hipódromo Argentino de Palermo® S.A., todos los derechos reservados.
El titular de los datos personales tiene la facultad de ejercer el derecho de acceso a los mismos en forma gratuita a intervalos no inferiores a seis meses, salvo que se acredite un interés legítimo al efecto conforme lo establecido en el artículo 14, inciso 3 de la Ley N 25.326. La DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS PERSONALES, Organo de Control de la Ley N 25.326, tiene la atribución de atender las denuncias y reclamos que se interpongan con relación al incumplimiento de las normas sobre protección de datos personales.
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